This version brings the old web module back to live. There are no major adjustments since the 4.2.2 version as the goal was to get it back in, running on the latest libraries available. This means the web module can now be fully supported again and makes it possible to extend the web module in the (near) future. One of the main things to change after this release is to make sure the UI also shows nicely on mobile devices; it is currently not optimized for this.
– Java version has been uplifted from 11 to 17 as depending libraries required this.
– Updated the web module from 4.2.2 to make it compatible with Data Crow 4.5.
– Web module has been re-implemented; PrimeFaces has been upgraded from version 6 to 12 (since Data Crow 4.2.2). The web server used to run on TomCat (embedded) and is now running Jetty 11 (also embedded). All required components have been uplifted to their respective latest version.
– Web module additions since 4.2.2: images can now also be deleted, drop downs now also have an empty option.
– online search for music albums has been added. Reintroduced after it was removed in version 4.3 as it was no longer working in 4.2.2. It has been completely rewritten.
– Fixes since Data Crow 4.2.2 for web module: logging off was not correctly implemented, messages were not being displayed on the web item form and tags were not saved when editing an item
– Server could not allow parameters for the underlying web service to be passed (-D..)
– Sometimes (discovered when working on the web module) picture are not correctly deleted. This was currently not effecting the Java client, only web client, but would / could have caused issues for new developments.
– The layout of the main screen was not correctly saved on exiting Data Crow.
– Music Album & Track fields were not being translated.
– Sorting has been fixed. Sorting is now done correctly; case insensitive and special character insensitive.
– Incorrect field settings in the movie module (String value type but Number edit field).
– Media modules item sorting was (sometimes) incorrectly based on the ID field. Now, if no other sorting field has been defined, the overview is sorted on the title of the item.