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Data Crow 4.5.1 becomes 4.6.0

I previously announced version 4.5.1. I saw the need to release a new version quickly due to false positives by various virus scanners. In order to overcome this I requested for a signed certificate which I can use to sign the Data Crow executables, preventing virus scanners from seeing Data Crow’s executables as unfamiliar and therefore potentially insecure.

Right …. that process is taking its time. I did in fact order such a certificate but the process of verification is taking its time. And having more time also means I am making more changes. Instead of releasing a minor version I am now planning on releasing version 4.6 instead.

Also, please take note of my Patreon page – a great way to support Data Crow! here it is

This is the status thus far:


  • iTunes online search for music.


  • The web modules is now configured for HTTPS (only). A default self signed certificate has been added. This can be used for internal / local network use. If the application needs to be running in a web environment it is recommended to add a valid certificate which can be configured in ssl/
  • Changed all Data Crow product icons.
  • The main application icon now consists of multiple sizes to allow support for multiple displaying purposes.
  • Discogs maximum search results has been increased (online services pack version 1.4).
  • Reintroduced the donation question.
  • Updated the completely outdated About dialog contents.
  • Added an executable for the server version.


  • Web module did not show the login page correctly.
  • Web module you needed to login twice in order to get into the application (a 4.2.2 issue)
  • Web module: download button was too large.
  • Donate plugin was outdated and donate dialog pointed to the old site.
  • Some fields were not translatable on the loan panel (item form > loan administration)
  • Added an additional check when looking for the current active module to prevent incorrect startup errors.
  • The font was incorrect on opening the help section.