A view is an area in Data Crow where items are represented. Currently there are two views, a Table View and a Card View. The views available can differ per module. The Container module does not have the table view available for example. Custom made modules will by default have both modules available to them.
The Card View is the fanciest view available within Data Crow and is supported by all modules. The view represents the items as cards, showing both a picture and a short description on the item. The description can be changed in the view settings.
The table view is an Excel like listing of the items. One row is one item. With the view settings you can change which columns / fields are displayed in this view.
Besides the normal sorting options (explained here) you have a quicker way of sorting available in the table view. Simply click on the header to sort the content of the view.
Editing values
Editing a value in the table is straightforward. Click on the cell and you can either enter text (for text fields), enter a number (for numeric fields) or select a value from the list. With text fields you can also switch to the edit mode by pressing F2. Once satisfied make sure to save the items you have edited by pressing (save all) or (save the selected item only) on the toolbar.
Grouping of items is managed using the grouping pane. It allows you to represent the hierarchy of your items. So for example you can show the CD case the item is assigned to at the top of the structure. Then underneath that you can show the categories of the assigned items. This is just one example out of the numerous possibilities
Items shown in the view can be sorted on one or more fields. Either right-click in the view and select sort or open the filter dialog. For more information on sorting you need to go here.
Open an item by double-clicking on it, from within the view. Data Crow will open the item form. Data Crow either open the item in edit mode or read mode depending on your settings.
When you right-click on an item a menu appears with the following options:
Open <name> Item. The Open <name> Item menu option (the <name> will mention the item name, such as Movie in the Movie module) opens the currently selected item (in the overview) in the item form. The item information cannot be changed using this option, it will open the item read-only.
Edit <name> Item. The Open <name> Item menu option (the <name> will mention the item name, such as Movie in the Movie module) opens the currently selected item (in the overview) in the item form. The item form allows you to change the information on the item.
Edit as New. Creates a new item based on the selected item. The selected item is used as a template. The item form is opened and filled with the information of the selected item. After saving and closing the item form you will have added a new item to Data Crow.
Delete. Deletes all selected items from the database. This cannot be reverted (only by restoring a backup). The system will ask for confirmation first.
File. When you have a file linked to your item the files menu option will appear. With these options you can let Data Crow find your file in case it has been moved or renamed. It uses the Drive Manager functionality.
Item Export Wizard. Starts the wizard to export the selected items to a CSV or XML file.
Create Report. Create HTML or PDF report for the selected items. If this menu option is not available it means that no report templates have been defined for your module. There is a manual on how to create reports yourself.
Sort. Sort / order the items. The sort order is stored; after restarting Data Crow the sort order will remain the same. You can order the items in the view either ascending or descending and you can indicate multiple fields to sort on.
Loan Administration. With this option you can administer the loan information for the selected item.
Administration. Most modules make use of drop downs or multi-reference fields. An example is the state field for software items. This state field has a default set of values. You can modify this list, completely. The administration of these items (we call them property items, part of property modules) can be maintained here.
View Settings. To modify the current view, such as the colors and the information to be shown, you have to use the View Settings. The settings differ slightly between the Card View and the Table View.
Read File Information. Extracts information from the selected file and adds the information to the selected item. The item will from then on be linked with the file. To import items based on the file information you can use the File Import utility.
Update All. Updates all of the selected items. This is a simple, but powerful, tools applying manually entered values to multiple items at once.
Find & Replace. Replace one value with another value within text fields. It will show you a preview first (luckily) before it is applied on your selected items.
Launch File. Opens the file as linked to the item.